After some months of silence, I’m returning to my blog. And I want to talk about one of the defining problems of our times: climate change, and how to avoid disastrous global warming.
Now, I’m interested in this topic because I believe the scientists who say that we have to act now. But I’m by no means an expert. And neither was my friend Mischa Hildebrand, a physicist and radio journalist turned software developer. However, like (hopefully) you and me, he’s a person that cares about the impact of one’s life on the planet and the people around you. Therefore he has taken the time to write a great piece about climate change.
He says that as humankind, we have to limit our use of natural resources by moving away from growth and expansion. Technological progress is significant, but it won’t save us. It’s a long read but worth your time. And, like a good scientist, the author focuses on analyzing the problem with depth and structure, citing numbers and moral principles, instead of jumping to quick conclusions and solutions.
I can’t urge you enough to go and read Mischa’s article “Climate Change is Not Our Problem.We Are.” and share it on your blogs and social media channels.