Lukas Rosenstock's Blog

: Last year, I published a few blog posts about being single. Then I stopped. I have started multiple …

: It’s April, which means it’s a new month and also a new quarter if you want to think of …

: A weekly review is a valuable practice to regularly check in with yourself and see how you’re …

: I hosted a party! I mentioned Nick Gray’s book “The 2-Hour Cocktail Party” in my …

: So far, Twitter/X has been my primary social media site, but a year ago, I wondered if and how I …

: Once again, we’re in the liminal space “between the years”. Christmas is over, and …

: Today, I’ve gifted this blog a proper “About” page and also a “Now” …

: The “married introvert” is a stereotypical type of person that I want to introduce …

: Whenever I converse with a foreigner living in Germany, I hear that they find it hard to make …

: Last week I attended Jesscamp, a fun week-long event where 60-ish people, who spend too much time on …

: Meta, the company behind Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, is about to launch a new social network. …

: I’m currently a full-time freelancer working with various clients. I also work on a few other …

: Friends who have served me food at their places are sometimes irritated if I only put a small amount …

: I’ve joined Playground, an “anti-procrastination platform” run by Ida, who I know …

: The word “asexual”, when applied to humans, describes a person who experiences no or …

: I’m single. I don’t know if this comes as a surprise to you. Of course, you have yet to …

: I’ve returned from a month-long trip to India and the UAE. I visited Bangalore for around two …

: For January, I set the goal of implementing the PACT I created as part of the Mindful Productivity …

: The mindful productivity map is the outcome of the Mindful Productivity Masterclass, the homework …

: Happy New Year! I wish for us all that 2023 will be a great year with joy, success, and whatever …

: My social media strategy for 2023 still needs to be defined. In my previous post, I wrote about …

: When Elon Musk bought Twitter, I had very few expectations about the impact on the service. …

: “How to flirt with the world” was the name of the Interintellect salon I attended …

: When I was in Lisbon for a month in 2019, I leveraged almost every opportunity to meet new people. …

: Just nine euros to travel throughout the country! It was probably the most-liked policy the German …

: The climate crisis is here, and to prevent the average temperature from rising further, we need to …

: I’m on a train to Berlin right now. Today I will make a stop on the way in Göttingen to visit a …

: Once in a while, you see a tweet that triggers all kinds of thoughts and deserves more than a like, …

: Scott Stevenson’s article “How To Finally Make Something” came up in a Twitter …

: Unit testing is mainly used to test smaller parts of your code, like a single class or function. But …

: Moxie Marlinspike, the founder of the Signal messaging app, wrote a widely shared piece called …

: It’s the time of the year that we Germans call “zwischen den Jahren”, which means …

: Procrastination is one of the most annoying human behaviors. Even though we realize that it’s …

: Our book’s pre-release (MEAP) received two more updates since my last post. Now the missing …

: Polywork is a new term that describes the concept of choosing multiple part-time jobs or freelance …

: Path traversal attacks are a typical attack vector that compromises the security of APIs and web …

: I have news to announce regarding the book about designing APIs with OpenAPI and Swagger that …

: Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the idea that every citizen should receive a monthly sum of money …

: Racket is an exciting new social audio platform. Unlike other recently hyped real-time social audio …

: Mishka Orakzai is the founder of thiscodeWorks, a Pinterest-inspired website for developers to share …

: Dominic Duffin’s recent Interintellect salon had the title “Time versus Space: The …

: Browsers restrict API requests to the same origin domain. CORS, or cross-origin-resource-sharing, is …

: Interintellect member Dominic Duffin hosted his first salon. The topic was “Our Spaces on the …

: It’s time for another update on “Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI”, the …

: Performance is a crucial aspect of APIs. Stress testing is one way to determine an API’s …

: With COVID-19 still preventing in-person conferences in most parts of the world, API the Docs …

: Making friends and staying in touch with friends are essential parts of our shared humanity. More …

: Perfectionism is a topic of interest for me, so I was pleased to learn that Anwar Al-Kandari hosts …

: My friend Clo, a user experience designer specializing in mindful design, organized a salon on …

: “What are the Personal CRM setups that different people use to make sense of their …

: On Tuesday, I hosted a meetup on the subject of Personal CRM systems. I believe that digital tools …

: One of the reasons I love APIs is that they provide technology access and empower people to build …

: Yesterday’s post on “Exploration vs. Exploitation” was mostly inspired by my …

: “Exploration” and “Exploitation” are two broad buckets for work-related …

: Stepping away from digital media for some time can be incredibly helpful, and even though I realize …

: Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. The problem is that striving for perfection is not always …

: Happy New Year! We just turned our calendars from 2020 to 2021, hoping that one of the worst years …

: When you’re testing an API, or really any kind of software, functional testing and performance …

: Another API the Docs virtual meetup took place last night, the third one of the second season. …

: API testing and API monitoring are vital parts of a successful API program, just like API design and …

: Releasing an API without any authentication is often a bad idea, but managing users and API keys is …

: The second episode of the second season of the API the Docs virtual meetup series was all about API …

: “System change, not climate change” is one of the banners you can typically see at a …

: Last night, the API the Docs community started their second season of regular virtual events. We had …

: Before the pandemic started, I used to run board game meetups frequently. One of the highlights of …

: Airtable, the spreadsheet-database-hybrid and fan favorite of the no-code community, has announced a …

: I wanted to follow up on my last post about “serial focus” and “parallel …

: It’s time to make an announcement that I’ve been holding back for a while: I’m …

: In my last post, I wrote about micro focus and macro focus, and how I feel I’m good at micro …

: In the realm of productivity, I think there are two types of focus. You could call them “micro …

: As part of CloudObjects, I’m working on phpMAE. The PHP Micro API Engine is an opinionated …

: One of my topics of interest is the future of work. I believe that digital transformation …

: My relationship with social media in general and Twitter, in particular, has been a recurring topic …

: In 2012, Evgeny Morozov wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times titled “The Death of the …

: I’ve struggled a bit with the question of whether I should set up some analytics on my blog …

: Adam DuVander talks a lot about the idea of “signature content”. I recently published my …

: Sometimes people talk about the death of television. Who needs TV when we have Amazon Prime Video? …

: Kin Lane, the API Evangelist, wrote about API providers being API matchmakers. I believe that idea …

: The Interintellect is, according to its Twitter bio, a “global community and talent platform …

: Adam DuVander is a journalist turned developer-focused company content strategist. I recently …

: I’ve been using the Pomodoro technique for most of my work for a couple of years, which has …

: There are various formats to describe data models. One of my favorite approaches is Linked Data …

: Yesterday, I made a little experiment; the first baby step into what is known as a #DigitalDetox or …

: My primary programming language is PHP, which means that I am coding in something that 80% of web …

: I read Stephanie Morillo’s “The Developer’s Guide to Content Creation”, an …

: Last night I joined the Vonage Developer Day live stream for a single presentation, Lauren …

: One of the biggest and most unexpected news from the tech world this week was the acquisition of …

: While going through older stuff saved in Pocket, I found a talk titled “Building A Content …

: There is a lot of buzz around “no-code” tools that empower people to build things …

: It’s May 4th today. Happy Star Wars Day! In case you didn’t know why this is Star Wars …

: In my corner of the Internet (or dare I say “filter bubble”), I’ve seen a lot of …

: It’s May 1st, the start of a new month! It’s also labor day, or worker’s day, or …

: Last night I listened to an episode of the “The Future of Content” podcast 🎧 where Lorna …

: If you are a German and have been on the Internet for more than a few years, you probably remember …

: This blog you’re reading right now exists since March 7, 2018. It is a hosted microblog on the …

: Recently I heard a lot about a new software called Roam Research. According to its website, it is …

: Security is an essential aspect of API design and implementation. And while implementing proper …

: Last night I took part in the first virtual API the Docs edition, where I listened to two great …

: Meetups, events, and conferences remain canceled. That affects API the Docs as well. Just a bit over …

: The new coronavirus is slowing down public life and the economy. At the same time, however, I am …

: The API the Docs conference series is coming back to North America with an edition in Portland on …

: Let’s indulge a bit in nostalgia this weekend. I just remembered one of the websites that I …

: Last week, I’ve published a release of phpMAE and published an announcement post and tutorial …

: I finally managed to push a new release for phpMAE, my open-source PHP-based sandbox for …

: This is my first blog post in 2020, so first of all: Happy New Year! 🎇 The beginning of a new number …

: Today I came across an article by Erik Dietrich called “Learning in a World Where Programming …

: I’m happy to announce that I have launched a new profile website for my freelance consulting …

: Last night I listened to the latest @monday episode in which @macgenie interviewed @ton. It was …

: Right now, I’m sitting on a train en route to Hamburg. A friend and I have tickets for the …

: Recently I’ve encountered the term full-stack freelancer through an article by Tiago Forte on …

: My blog had been on a four-month hiatus during the summer. Since the end of September, I have …

: Good API design is important! And one of the main aspects of any good design (not just for APIs) is …

: When I recently saw the link to a petition for a Fossil Free Facebook, I assumed it was someone …

: Zoho is probably one of the most underrated companies in the tech world. They have amassed a broad …

: A software developer’s job is to write code. That’s the reason people hire them. I …

: While trying to clean out my saved content in Pocket, I came across an article by Evgeny Morozov …

: Next week it’s API the Docs time again. The API conference is coming back to Amsterdam and is …

: I just watched the 4-minute video clip from Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot in which they call for …

: After some months of silence, I’m returning to my blog. And I want to talk about one of the …

: I received an email from Holvi, who provide me with my business bank account. It was a notification …

: I’ve talked and written a lot about the importance of good API design. Now, in my latest guest …

: The Entrepreneur University 2019 Founder Summit On the past weekend, I attended the Founder Summit 2019 in Wiesbaden. Entrepreneur University, led …

: Speakonf 2019 On Saturday I attended the first SpeaKonf in Darmstadt, an unconference specifically for conference …

: After explaining the difference between APIs and microservices in an article for the Stoplight API …

: I’ve observed that sometimes people use the words “API” and …

: Thank you for your interest in my talk Specification-driven API with OpenAPI! I have now uploaded …

: Tonight I will be at the bits, bytes & bier #3 meetup in the FinTecSystems office in Linden near …

: Thanks to everyone who was at my talk Specification-driven API vs. Technical Writers. If you want to …

: I’m at this year’s tekom conference and fair, also known as tcworld18, and I’m …

: I’m on a train right now on my way to London. I’ll be attending the API the Docs London …